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Did you know that there is no regulation in this industry? Anybody can wake up one day and decide to take a couple courses and be a website developer.  It's up to the consumer to know who to hire. Website development is complex and often people don't know where to start.

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Winning Over Customers with Better Web Content

Originally featured on the website.
The relationship between your customers and your business frequently begins with your website. What’s more, your website is one of the most efficient and versatile tools your business has in its marketing toolbox. It works for you day and night and can be edited on the fly as the need to add new content arises, which is important as users are expecting more from websites than ever before. The timeliness, relevance and quality of your website content is key as it provides proof to potential customers that your business is suited to meet their needs.

Think of your website as a salesperson. A website, like a salesperson, elaborates on the virtues of your business and promotes your product and service offerings. A brochure-style website that merely lists products and services, contact info and a bio is like a salesperson who mails out flyers and waits for the phone to ring. A website that engages the user’s interest with ebooks, demos and testimonials is like a salesperson who places the needs of the buyer and their experience first and the sale second. It goes without saying that most people want to deal with salespeople they believe are capable and can understand their specific problem.

With that in mind, here are seven tips to ensure you win over your customers with engaging and effective website content:

1. State Your Value Proposition Clearly

You know why customers should choose you, so make sure you communicate this to website visitors clearly and succinctly. Do you sell the cheapest widgets? Do you offer 24 hour a day service? Fixed quote pricing? Users want to know what’s in it for them so don’t bury this information in lengthy paragraphs. Make important points prominent and punchy so users make the connection instantly.

2. Focus on Benefits Instead of Features

By focusing on the result your customer wants, you are showing them that you have the skills to get the job done. Is it a peaceful night’s sleep because the tap no longer drips? Is it a quiet, enjoyable car ride absent of clunking noises? For customers of a B2B business, perhaps it’s the ability to move their businesses forward with the confidence that their finances are in order.

3. Offer Free Tools

Offering free information in the form of videos, ebooks and checklists demonstrates that you have the knowledge and expertise to help them. Take-away items may generate a sense of reciprocity, plus they can also be spread virally to friends, family and co-workers. Bonus: These tools also make great ready-made content to repurpose as part of your social media strategy.

4. Use Quantifiable Proof to Back Up Your Claim

You can say you offer the best customer service or lowest prices, but many other businesses claim the same. As a result, those claims becomes background noise. You need to use more than just words to prove your differentiating quality or you may get lost in the masses. Back up your words with proof. Display awards you’ve won, customer testimonials, user statistics and affiliations with reputable organizations. For instance, if your downloadable checklist, “21 Things to Look at When Buying a Used Car” has been downloaded 15,870 times, share this valuable statistic as proof of quality information.

5. Use Professional or Near Professional Grade Photography

If a photo is worth 1000 words, you need to ensure they are complimentary to your business. Poor photography may have the opposite effect you seek. Photos that are out of focus, inadequately lit or improperly composed may undermine the credibility of your site.

6. Make Sure Your Visitors Know What You Want Them To Do Next

What is your call to action? Do you want your users to fill out a form on the website? Call you? Download an ebook? Clearly state your call to action in a way that stands out and motivates the user to take the next step.

In Closing

By taking the time to plan your website’s content with your users’ needs in mind, you can tailor each page to meet those needs. The more value a user finds in your site, the longer they stay. The longer they stay, the more familiar your business becomes to them and the larger the presence your business will occupy in their mind. How much is that real estate worth to you?


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