HPX Academy

Did you know that there is no regulation in this industry? Anybody can wake up one day and decide to take a couple courses and be a website developer.  It's up to the consumer to know who to hire. Website development is complex and often people don't know where to start.

Our hope is you will find these articles #flufffree, practical and full of good knowledge you can use to make the best decisions for you.

Website Mistakes to Avoid

If you’ve noticed that your website doesn’t get the traffic you had hoped for, or maybe your visitor count has declined, it may be time to pop the hood and see if there are any improvements your website needs. Trends, customer needs and technology can change over time and your website wouldn’t be the first to be left in the dust. It’s important to revisit your website regularly to ensure it’s current, relevant and properly maintained or you could lose out on leads, sales referrals, and—potentially—damaging your brand.

Some of your website’s success—or struggles—can be the result of the calibre of your competition. Take a look at your competitors’ websites. When your competition has a strong online presence (professional website, great features and functionality,) that extra effort could be taking leads and sales away from you.  If your competition is attracting your traffic, you have less traffic to convert to clients. Less conversions = less sales.

There are common mistakes website owners often make that prevent them from achieving the results they want. Let’s take a look at what these mistakes are and how these issues can be fixed to get back on track, and resume converting those leads.

Your Website Takes Too Long To Load

Visitors will likely lose patience and hit that big ole BACK button if your website takes more than 2-3 seconds to load, so you’ll want to make sure that you optimize your pages and the images on them. Are your images small enough for the web? Are they properly compressed? Are you running old code on a page that isn’t being used anymore? Take a look at your website and see where you may be bogging down your load times.

In addition, some plug-ins and themes will cause your site to load slowly. Making sure you keep these elements updated to the newest version can help increase the speed of your site.

Make sure to thoroughly test your website before going live with any updated revisions to see how the updates have affected your speeds. Once you ensure that the updates have not broken anything on your site, you can implement the changes to your live site.

Don’t Forget About Mobile Visitors

There are currently almost 6.4 billion smartphone users worldwide, and this number is estimated to rise to over 7.5 million by 2026. As of August 2021, 58.56% of web traffic is from mobile phones. 

That means that over half of the traffic to your website is likely from mobile visitors who aren’t going to stick around and learn about what you can do for them if they can’t properly load your site on their mobile device. 

Ensure that your site is mobile friendly and can adapt to any device and any display that is access it, so you can guarantee a consistent, quality experience to all visitors.

Problems With the Design and Layout

If you haven’t determined what action you want visitors to complete when they visit your website, it’s likely that your website hasn’t been mapped out and built correctly for your visitors to actually convert

This can lead to aimless visitors, not being able to make sense of your site, or not able to get where they want to go, let alone complete a transaction. Properly designing and laying out your site will help visitors easily navigate it, find what they need, and actually want to return.

It’s also essential to make sure that visitors can read your website. When they can’t read your content because the font is too small, or the colors make everything blend together, you are going to lose them before they even get to your call to action (CTA). Make sure you use colors that are easy on the eyes and help your visitors read your content without straining their eyes.

You Don’t Have enough Calls to Action

If you’re getting a sufficient amount of traffic to your site, but you aren’t converting visitors into clients or getting them to sign up for your newsletter, free trial, or free guide, you may not be making your objective clear. It’s important to make your calls to action (CTA) obvious for visitors, so they aren’t stuck searching for where to go next or what to do. The design and layout of your website should be set up to lead visitors directly to your desired CTA. Once they get there, your CTA should make it crystal clear what action you want your visitors to take and inspire them to take that action. 

You Don’t Have Analytics Set Up

Before you can fix a problem, you have to know what that problem is. The most quantifiable and direct way to assess these issues is with analytics.

Analytics will not only show you how many visitors you have had and how long they were on your site, but it will also tell you what visitors have been doing while on your page. You can use this information to find out what pages they are visiting before they leave your website, where they are focusing their attention, and where you might be losing them. If you notice that visitors are taking the same action each time before they leave your site, you can potentially find the issue and resolve it.

SEO helps your website rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). Your site is much more likely to be seen (and visited) if it is on page one instead of the second or third page of the search results.

Let HPX Media Transform Your Website Into a Lead Generating Machine.

Did any of these issues sound familiar? Maybe you’re unsure how to tell if your website is experiencing these issues. If so, don’t feel bad; some of this is really complicated, albeit necessary. The sooner you resolve these common mistakes, the sooner your website will start to work harder for you. If you’re busy or feel out of your depth, sometimes it’s easier to call the professionals to resolve these problems yourself.

Schedule a free consultation today to see how HPX Media can help you identify these issues and create a plan for how to get your site running in tip top shape so that website traffic can begin to convert.


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