Disappointed because you’re not getting the traffic or results you expected from your website? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many business owners anticipate a flood of traffic on their website. After all, there are billions of people on the internet, right? For most businesses it’s just not that simple but with this one tip, you can take a step towards getting the results you seek.
Nothing has shaped the online landscape like social media. With websites like Facebook and YouTube, there is now something for everybody on the internet. With the popularity of tablets and other mobile devices, getting online has never been easier. 80% of Canadians are considered online1 and it’s become the way we research products or businesses before making a purchase, keep up with friends and family that live far away or simply entertain ourselves after a long day of work.
Many websites, like social media sites or news sites, provide a never-ending stream of content and this has trained users to expect that they can receive the information they want, when they want it. That mindset is extended to the information they want from your website. This shift in expectations is leaving many business owners in the dust as their users move on to their competition with the information they seek.
In the past, the business owner would fill their site with the content they wanted their customers to know about the business. In this era of rampant information consumption, this approach is not likely to capture your users’ attention. Sure, sites built with this thought-process list the products and services, maybe a history of the business and how to contact but for the most part, many businesses are losing a lot of traffic and business from their site because they don’t know this one simple tip.
There is one way you can breathe life back into your website and make it something that will interest and engage your users. It’s not complicated and you’ll be surprised at how simple and easy it is. The trick is this: Stop looking at your website as a business owner and look at it as if you were your customer. When you do this, all sorts of possibilities open up.
A customer comes to a website with a much different perspective than the business owner. Business owners are thrilled to talk about their business and list their products and services. Customers are coming to the site because they need or want something. There is a vacancy in their life and they want to know if your business can fill it. Regardless of whether it’s looking to find someone who can fix their computer, signing up for a class or buying an article of clothing, the scenario is the same; customers want to deal with a capable and trustworthy business they feel understands their problems and concerns.
Show, don’t tell. Don’t just tell your users why your business is better, show them. Your site may list products and services and have a great explanation about the business but how are you showing your customers that your business really is better than your competition? How are you proving that you really understand their problems?
Set aside business owner hat, put on your customers’ shoes and go for a walk. Think about your past interactions with your customers. You’ve heard all the stories before; when a customer calls you, what are they thinking? What are they feeling? Are they afraid of something? They likely have questions.
For your site to be successful, you need to answer those questions, neutralize the fear and build a relationship with your customer all at the same time. Sound complicated, right? It’s actually very easy, it just takes a little time. Here is an example: If a customer is shopping for a new kitchen, chances are they are experiencing a wide range of emotions.
- Their guard is up because they’ve heard a lot of stories of people having some less than stellar experiences with contractors.
- They’re really nervous about making that big of an investment and worry that they may not get it back when they sell.
- They may not understand the process and are afraid to ask questions for fear of looking dumb.
- They may be worried that what they want is more than they can afford.
How great would your business look if your website could address all of these concerns? How much credibility would your website have built in the eyes of the user? And you haven’t even talked to them yet!
You can address all of these issues very easily:
- Show your users that dealing with your business will be a great experience. Money-back guarantees, warranties will give great peace of mind. A page of testimonials that show what customers have to say, better yet, have a pictures of the families in their sparkling new kitchen. List any awards and accreditations you may have, show pictures of finished projects.
- Remind users that they are making a great investment in their home by showing some statistics about how a new kitchen on average increases the house value by X%. A blog article about elements that might make a better investment, say a granite countertop vs. a budget option.
- Many people will avoid a situation entirely if they feel they may come out looking foolish. Your content should be written in a warm tone, encouraging people to ask questions and letting them know that this process can be complicated and there are no bad questions. Offer a Frequently Asked Questions page with the most frequently asked questions you get, as well as the questions you know people may be too shy to ask.
- Listing tips on how to save money on a new kitchen is a great way to show people you understand that they are cost-conscious and you respect their hard-earned dollars. It also shows that your business isn’t all about the sale. List links to hydro rebates or any other rebate programs that may be available. Talk about some entry-level products and compare them to their higher-end counterparts in a way that shows that they are still getting quality at the expense of some bells and whistles and makes them feel good about their purchase.
Here are a few more tips:
- Build on the customers’ excitement and show the latest innovations in kitchen remodeling. This will also make your business look current and dynamic.
- Show some of the hottest products in taps, sinks and appliances. Show videos of what they can do. Relate these items to the user’s life. A description of a stove is nowhere near as powerful as talking about how entertaining will be a breeze with a dual oven.
- Offer a downloadable checklist that users can go through to ensure they’ve considered all aspects they need.
The beauty of a customer-centric website is that the more content you add, the stronger, more trustworthy your site becomes. There are so many great ways you can simultaneously draw traffic to you site and prove your business is knowledgeable and experienced. The good news is, the more content you add to your website, the more likely it is to move up the rank in search engines. Your website can be a powerful tool and now you have the key to unlock its potential, the only limit is your imagination!
1 Infographic: Canadian Internet Usage Statistics on Mobile, Search and Social.
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