Registering a trademark is an essential step for any business owner regardless your business' size, location, or product or service. Trademarks...
HPX Academy
Did you know that there is no regulation in this industry? Anybody can wake up one day and decide to take a couple courses and be a website developer. It's up to the consumer to know who to hire. Website development is complex and often people don't know where to start.
Our hope is you will find these articles #flufffree, practical and full of good knowledge you can use to make the best decisions for you.
Using Graphic Design to Help Your Business Succeed
You've likely had the experience where somebody raves to you about a new type of coffee, a fabulous vacation spot or a newly discovered store. Other...
12 Ways to Save Money on Graphic and Website Design
If you've ever hired or shopped for a quality graphic or web designer, you know that any kind of design is a significant investment. Like any...
The Importance of a Strong Logo
As the new year arrives, we look inwards and with the best intentions, resolve to stop, start, do more, do less or better. Inner reflection is not...
Five Easy Ways to Add Polish to Your Business
Many business owners feel stuck between a rock and hard place when it comes to the appearance of their business or organization. They work so hard...
Five Tools to Grow Your Brand in Business
We've all been there; we've all started businesses and we know how hard it can be to decide where to spend that precious and very limited start-up...
The Importance of a Smashing Business Card
Despite the popularity of social media and online networking, the business card will always play a unique role in your organization's advertising...
Ten Rules for Logo Design
A logo should make your organization stand apart from its competition. It needs to build trust and show your organization's credibility. It needs to...