HPX Academy

Did you know that there is no regulation in this industry? Anybody can wake up one day and decide to take a couple courses and be a website developer.  It's up to the consumer to know who to hire. Website development is complex and often people don't know where to start.

Our hope is you will find these articles #flufffree, practical and full of good knowledge you can use to make the best decisions for you.

What Can SEO Do For Your Business?

What Can SEO Do For Your Business?

In the past when people needed something, the first place they would look would be the newspaper or maybe even the phone book, but those days are long gone. Now, when someone is looking for a local product or service, the first place they look is online. In fact, more than 97% of people begin their searches for a local business online (Forbes.)

What this means is that if you can’t be found online for keywords that relate to your business, you’re losing a lot of customers and money to your competitors.

As the first page of Google is what gets all the clicks, this is where you want your business to be, and as close to the top as possible. SEO (search engine optimization) is so valuable because it puts your business directly in front of potential customers at the exact moment they’re looking for a service you offer.

When customers use Google and other search engines, they’re showing something called “buyer intent,” as they’re actively looking for someone to buy from. This is something that the newspaper, radio, billboards, and even television can’t compete with.

If your business shows up at the exact moment when a potential customer is looking for a service you offer, you’ve got a much higher chance of converting them from a lead to a customer. Higher rankings mean more clicks, and more clicks mean more customers, and more customers mean more revenues for your business.

So What Can We Do About It?

SEO stands for search engine optimization and is all about doing the things we need to do to demonstrate to the search engines that your business deserves a spot at the top of the rankings.

We do this through a combination of on-page optimization, off-page link building, and by sending relevant and authoritative signals to your website that prove it really is the answer to your customers problems.

When we do this, we’re rewarded with higher search engine rankings, more leads, more clicks, more views, more customers, and more revenue.

To find out if an SEO strategy is right for your company, contact us today for a no obligation assessment of your online marketing where we’ll come up with a competitive analysis and provide a detailed quote to start bringing in more customers to your business with SEO.



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